Thursday, September 5, 2019

Obedience Over Hustle by Malinda Fuller

Obedience Over Hustle: The Surrender of the Striving Heart by [Fuller, Malinda]

Here is the book summary:
The world promises recognition and promotion if we "hustle harder," but at what cost?
Join the counter-cultural movement of choosing surrender over striving.
Throughout scripture, we encounter individuals who had to face the hard reality that their dreams and time lines weren't God's best plan. By exploring these biblical narratives alongside her own personal stories of radical obedience, author Malinda Fuller encourages readers to respond to the questions God asks each of us: "Will you trust Me? . . . Will you do what I'm asking you to do?”

Fuller's challenge to all of us is to yield to God's voiceno matter where He leads or what He asks, whether it's complicated or straightforward, accepted by others or challenging to understand, and regardless of how it makes us feel (even if it appears foolish). May we have the courage to surrender to His plan and His timingto choose obedience over hustle.

And now, my review:
I enjoyed this non-fiction read.  This author talks about stopping the striving and focusing on what God is calling you to do.  As you do this, walking it out in obedience.  The importance of having a life defined by obedience.  So true!  She talks about her experience with what to say no to and what to say yes to.  She talks about walking in what God has called us to, choosing contentment, and listening for His voice. 

I received a complimentary copy of this book from Barbour Publishing and was under no obligation to post a review.

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