Thursday, September 14, 2017

The Hidden Village by Bonnie Rose Hudson

The Hidden Village by [Hudson, Bonnie Rose]

Here is the book summary:
The Hidden Village tells the story of Manju, a young boy from West Bengal, India, who acts out the story of Zacchaeus. From the top of the tallest mangrove tree, he finds a hidden village deep in the forest. He wants to do everything he can to help the hungry people in the little village. But what can he do when the people in his village won’t believe his story, and even wild animals and the weather seem determined to stop him from helping?

And now, my review:
This book is written in a great way for a school reader yet at the same time is full of great descriptions.  We laughed, cried, and our hearts were tugged.  I loved how the author used the learning of Zacchaeus in the Bible and climbing a tree to then discover a people he didn’t know existed before.  This author has a way with words and beautifully shares the Gospel and the importance of sharing it with others.  This book shows how God can use us if we are yielding to Him and that others sometimes don’t take us seriously or believe us or understand at all and that needs to be okay. Makes you want to look around beyond yourself and see other places and people who need to hear of the HOPE of Jesus.  To pray and seek the Lord’s leading for you personally to impact the world for the Kingdom and His glory.  A great read!! 

I received a copy of this book in exchange for my honest review.

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