Saturday, November 23, 2019

Free to Believe by Luke Goodrich

Here is the book summary:
A leading religious freedom attorney, veteran of multiple Supreme Court battles, helps people of faith understand religious liberty in our rapidly changing culture--why it matters, how it is threatened, and how to respond with confidence and grace. 

Many Americans are concerned about rising threats to religious freedom. They feel the culture changing around them, and they fear that their beliefs will soon be marginalized as a form of bigotry. Others, younger Christians in particular, are tired of the culture wars, and they wonder whether courtroom battles are truly worthwhile, or even in line with the teachings of Jesus. Luke Goodrich offers a reasoned, balanced, gospel-centered approach to religious freedom. He applies biblical understanding to a number of the most hot-button cultural issues of our day. He also offers practical steps Christians can take to respond to religious freedom conflicts in an informed, responsible, and graceful way.

And now, my review:
Free to Believe by Luke Goodrich is an informative book that helps define religious freedom, talks about the threats that we are facing, and gives us action steps to go forward to keep our freedoms.  I believe that all believers would be greatly educated by investing time in reading this book.  As I was reading through, I felt that a lot of it was commonsense and becoming aware of our part and what taking action can look like and the dangers of not taking action.  I’m thankful for those who are fighting for our religious freedoms and sharing with us our part to play. 
I received a complimentary copy of this book from the publisher and was under no obligation to post a review.

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